A very Happy New Year from us all at the practice!
If you intend to inhabit your body comfortably and for the long-term, New Year may be a good time to tweak your lifestyle. A cartoon shows Snoopy reflecting that whenever he feels like exercise, he lies down until the feeling goes away. However, Snoopy was a dog and not even a real one!
Exercise is mostly a good thing to incorporate into your 2025 New Year’s resolutions. You could buy a gym membership but bear in mind phase 2 of this commitment is that you actually have to go to the gym.
Alternatively or indeed additionally you could be SMART - one of those unavoidable acronyms of modern life:
S pacific
M easurable
A ttainable
R ealistic
T imely
A starting point for this strategy could be a short 4 minute exercise routine first thing in the morning. It can be completed during the news headlines in the radio and will undoubtedly give more happiness and healthiness that the days news bulletin!
For details of this exercise routine email admin@puseyosteopaths.com